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A message from James and Joanne

So after 15 years of giving our heart and soul to Pople and Broad and ourselves continuing the legacy of our great friend Robert Pople ; James and I have decided the time has come to pass over the gauntlet to our lovely colleagues Anthony and Amanda Bahadur and Shahram and Ellie Kashani. We are so proud of our amazing practice, staff and obviously our loyal patients who have supported us over the years and we would like to thank you all.

Its been an incredible journey for us and many of you have become friends over the years as well as patients and we have both felt very passionate about making the right decision both for ourselves and you.


We thought long and hard about how, when and who to pass the practice over to as we really wanted it to remain independent and highly professional; we are completely confident that we have made the right choice and that Anthony, Amanda , Shahram and Ellie will do just that .


James and I will still be working at the practice and the team; Lizzie and Sarah our optometrists, Kevin our audiologist , Sally and Miranda, dispensing, Jacqui, Fiona,and Rebecca , our optical assistants will essentially remain the same with Shahram,Anthony and Amanda all taking some of their own clinics. Some of you will know Shahram Kashani who has been running private ophthalmology clinics from our practice for a number of years now and is a well respected NHS ophthalmologist at Eastbourne. Anthony and Amanda are Specialist Optometrists who own an Independent practice in Hailsham. Anthony also works at the hospital and is an Independent Prescriber and specialises in Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma. Amanda is also about to become an Independent Prescriber and specialises in children with more complex eye problems. Ellie is Shahram’s wife and is keen to get involved with the day to day running of the practice. Together they have all the skills needed to continue our legacy and indeed develop it further.


James and I are planning to have a little more time to enjoy some of the adventures we have been promising ourselves and brush up our tennis and golf skills; while still remaining a part of the practice- the perfect balance for us both at the right time.


Anyway thats all for now ; we hope you are all keeping well and we look forward to seeing you soon.


Joanne, James and all the team at P and B